A collaborative masterpiece that combined industrial design, digital photography, image restoration technology and old-world book binding sensibilities, this project produced five breathtaking book reproductions. During the entire project schedule, the original book remained in Paris and the technical and design aspects including the image restoration and print production stayed in Baltimore. Learn how the impossible became possible.
Project Milestone #1
Design & Fabrication of Custom Camera Mount & Rig
Timeframe: 3 Weeks
Brandon Ramsuer designed a custom camera mount and rig developed from the AGAM Modular System.  The mount and rig were disassembled and sent to Paris.

Project Milestone #2
Principal Book Photography
Timeframe: 3 Months
Once in Paris, the Camera Mount and Rig were reassembled and the book’s contents were photographed page by page.  A raw page image can be seen above.  
Project Milestone #3
Image Restoration and Print Production
Timeframe: 6 Weeks
The photograph JPGs were sent back to Baltimore where I masterfully restored all 307 pages. I digitally printed each page one at a time ensuring the richest output possible. 

Project Milestone #4
Book Binding by Hand
Timeframe: 3 Weeks
The printed pages were sent back to Paris where each book was hand-bound.  The binding technique  ensured a hand-crafted look for each book.  

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